You're here because of a significant loss that you've suffered or to support someone who's suffered a huge loss.
With loss comes a journey of grieving!
We see you
We hear you
We cherish your story.
Here are a few of my growing thoughts on Self Awareness
Self-awareness is a connection to who you are, how you are, where you are, and why you're there. Self-awareness is giving yourself full permission to connect to what you are feeling, when you're feeling it and why you're feeling it!
Self-awareness thrives in spaces of silence & solitude
You need to quiet your inner-self and your external surroundings so you can connect to all that you're experiencing
Noise can be a huge barrier to this!
Solitude is an ally because it calms the voices around us so we can tune unto our authentic voice and pay attention to what it's saying!
You matter
Your voice matters
Your experience matters
Self-awareness flourishes in an environment of self-compassion. Think about what you would say to a friend - a harsh critic vs an empathetic friend.
3 ways to unlock Self-awareness
Practise the pause
Safe in your space
Go with your gut
Practise the Pause
Your voice matters
It's important to express your opinions thoughtfully and confidently
For this to happen, it's important to pause and capture all the thoughts you need to communicate.
Here you are grounded
You want to be heard
It's important to pause before responding
A thoughtful response can win people over more than a harried rushed one
Safe in your Space
You want to be seen
Own your space
As important as physical safety
Tell yourself that you are in a safe space
You are respected and your desires are valued!
Shrinking back from speaking your mind or hiding away will send conflicting messages
Go with your Gut
You want to be understood
We each have a powerful inner advocate who always wants what's best for us and is our greatest champion
Trust your intuition...
Taking the time to tune into this inner force will pay rich dividends.
Journal and take notes to give you the space to think things through and work things out
Not everyone will understand or agree with your thoughts, opinions, and desires
That's not the goal
The goal is to embrace all that you know is best for yourself and to confidently communicate it, despite the usual fear, insecurity, and uncertainty.
Back to Self-awareness
Once you feel safe, have practised the pause and trusted your gut, you will align yourself with yourself and give others permission to hear you, trust you and dream into your journey.
Together, it's a win-win combo!