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Focus on Maternal Mental Health - Africa

Recent studies have shown that mental health issues like anxiety and depression are prevalent in Africa. Poor maternal mental health has an adverse impact on a baby's development.

Psychological interventions or support services are not easily available, if not non-existent, in some parts of the continent.

There is a need to scale up evidence-based local responses, including prevention, and advocate for the right of all women in Africa to safe, holistic maternity support.

Africa is a diversified and changing continent with a rapidly growing population, and maternal mental health is a key health priority.

Maternal mental health in Africa will be a key global health challenge for the 21st century.

Africa has a population of 1.25 billion, but it should reach 4.5 billion by 2100.

Africa is a continent of 54 countries with rapidly changing and diversified cultures and socio-economic conditions, both between and within countries. Understanding and responding to this rich and complex situation provides both challenges and opportunities for maternal mental health researchers, practitioners and policymakers in Africa.

About Saratu Kassim

Saratu Kassim and Keji Moses will be hosting a Facebook live event on the 10th June 2022 at 8pm:

The event will be live at the Fertility Support group (Africa) with 1.3million participants.

Saratu Kassim is a fertility coach and an advocate for women on general maternity issues.

She is the founder of the Fertility Support Awareness and Aid Initiative, a foundation addressing fertility awareness and offering support to women as well as integrating maternal mortality from the sustainable development goals. She is also the founder and curator of the Fertility support group Africa, a multinational community, with 1.3million participants.

Saratu is passionate about women, fertility and nutrition, she has hosted and facilitated different events to that effect.


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